With Halloween around the corner, many boys and “ghouls” will be searching for that perfect costume idea online. Hopefully this insight will help.
For 2010, as I look into my crystal ball, I see many home-spun costumes. Many of which are decade related: a 1980’s girl with big hair and neon, a 1920’s flapper, a groovy 1960’s dude, etc. I also predict some avatar blue costumes running around. Of course there will be vampires vs werewolves…
So now the question is, do you decide to “run with thepack”? or do you trick or treat on the road less traveled and come up with your own original costume idea?
Feel free to email your Halloween costume picture to us and we will pick out the most fashion savvy of them all! *@SonoranChic.com
And remember be safe! Halloween in the desert can be wild!